
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Traditional Cough Medicine

If you want to mix their own traditional cough medicine, combine the ingredients needed to become a useful medicinal herb as a cough suppressant, reduction of bronchial secretions, or respiratory stimulants and driving out phlegm. no different from herb-counter cough medicines in pharmacies or drug stores.
The following types of herbs that can be tried.
Remedy 1:
8 grams kencur, 2 pieces of betel leaf, 2 grams of the fruit of fennel, sage leaves 2 grams, 0.05 grams of fruit cubeb, 0.05 grams of cardamom. All material is boiled with 135 ml of water and taken twice a day for two weeks.
Remedy 2:
1 clove garlic, 1 tablespoon ginger juice, water, turmeric, lemon juice, honey and 3 tablespoons of boiled water. Potions steamed, then drunk three or four times a day or two teaspoons.
Remedy 3:
3 pieces of cardamom, 15 points cubeb, 1 teaspoon cumin, 1 teaspoon fennel, pulosari 1 finger, 2 finger rhizome kencur, washed, finely ground, crushed with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and eucalyptus oil 1 teaspoon, to grease chest and neck.
Remedy 4:
4 pieces cubeb, 1 finger cinnamon bark, washed and cut if necessary, boil with 4 cups of clean water to eat so that only a half; after cold filtered and drunk with pure honey as needed (three times a day).

For dry coughs:
Take 1 piece of orange juice a lot of water, wring it out and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Stir and drink twice a day (morning and evening).
Brimbing wuluh
Take 10 Blimbing wuluh fruit, wash and then finely ground. Add 1 cup cooking water and a little salt a little. Having squeezed and filtered, drink twice a day (morning and evening).
Take 1 finger rhizome kencur (do not removed the skin). Rinse and finely chewed directly with a little salt. Swallow and gelontor by drinking warm water. Do twice a day.
Sage leaves
Take 1 handful sage leaves along the stems and leaves 1 handful acid. Boil 3 cups water to be 2 cups. Let stand until cool, strain and drink twice daily.
As an expectorant:
Pour boiling 5 grams of fruit powder with a cup of boiling water fennel. After chilling filtered, add 1 teaspoon of honey. Toss well, drink well. Taken twice a day until healed.
Aloe vera
Take 1 stick prickly aloe vera leaves removed. Rinse and grated, squeezed, and then mixed with 6 tablespoons of honey. Drink several times.
As a laxative sputum:
Take 1 / 2 segment ginger and mash until smooth. Add 2 cups water and boil until half an hour. Drink decoction 2-3 times daily.
For shortness of breath:
Make sure water buffalo
Take a handful of herbs patikan buffalo. Add water and pulverized. Squeeze into 1 / 2 cup and drink.
Take 10 drops of fennel oil. Pour boiling water with 1 tablespoon hot water. Drink while warm. Do it three times a day until healed.
To cough more than 100 days and dry:
Lote upas
Take 30 grams of tuber lote upas still fresh, washed and shredded. Add 2 tablespoons of cooking water. Strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey. Stir and then drink three times a day.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

treatments for asthma

Asthma is a disease that is sometimes annoying for the sufferer. I have to deal with recommendations for asthma sufferers it is a traditional medicine that munkin you can try for yourself:
  1. Prepare as much as 2 pieces of radish juice and then boiled with water is mixed to taste, wait until boiling and then drain into a glass waiting for it to cool and then mixed with native honey mix well. drink 3 times a day.
  2. Prepare 2 segment of white ginger and eggplant cooked (can fry / boil) to use as side dishes for food.
  3. Prepare ginger 3 sections and then clean it in the juice runs out and then mixed with boiled water until boiling and then input into the glass let sit for 18 hours and then mixed with honey drink every morning.

good luck...


Asthma is one of the respiratory disease that is often experienced by all people both men and women.Originally the word asthma comes from the greek is "asthma" means difficult to breathe.Many cases of asthma in people who have not received good treatment due to medical expenses. Routine treatment should not be interrupted, social disruption.Asthma is a disease that is caused due to allergies or heredity.The cause of asthma is most often due to factors such as allergies allergy: house dust, animal dander, cigarette smoke, smoke, mosquito coils, cold weather, too tired, too many thoughts, stress and others.This disease has the potential to disrupt the growth and development. This disease if not handled properly, can attack every organ and function of growth without exception. for it is recommended to asthma sufferers to eat a lot and contains protein, vitamin is needed by our bodies.Symptoms commonly experienced by people with asthma are coughing up phlegm and wheezing and shortness of breath caused by narrowing of the respiratory tract.Treatment of asthma. actual asthma can not be cured but it can relieve asthma symptoms, like shortness of breath when people with asthma are shortness of breath immediately give relief medication in the form of shortness of breath or swallow inhaler. prevent yourself from allergies that can cause allergic asthma disease relapses, mild exercise to provide endurance, swim because it can expand pernapasa channel. eat foods that are nutritious and good for the body.

Indication of lung cancer

Symptoms most frequently encountered in patients with lung cancer are:
  1.  Bloody sputum, change colors and more.
  2.  Persistent cough or become great.
  3.  Shortness of breath and shallow.
  4.  Headache, sore or cracked bone with no apparent cause.
  5.  Losing selara eating or weight loss for no apparent reason.
  6.  Hoarseness / husky.
  7.  Swelling in the face or neck.
  8.  Chronic Fatigue

Symptoms of lung cancer is generally not very visible, so that most lung cancer patients who seek medical help have been in an advanced stage. The case of early-stage cases are often found accidentally when someone does a routine health examination.
Diagnosis and treatment

Some procedures that may facilitate the diagnosis of lung cancer include X-ray photograph, Thoracic CT Scan, Fine Needle Biopsy, Bronchoscopy, and abdominal ultrasound.

Treatment of lung cancer can be done in ways such as
1. Surgery to remove one from any part of the lung - sometimes more  than the discovery of the tumor and remove all the lymph nodes with  cancer.
  • Radiotherapy or radiation with high intensity X-rays to kill cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Taking oral medication with certain side effects that aim to prolong     patient survival.

Cause of Lung Cancer

90% of lung cancer in men cause is smoking and 70% in women the cause is smoking. Smoke more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk for lung cancer.
Only a small proportion of lung cancer (about 10% -15% in men and 5% in women) caused by substances that met or inhaled in the workplace. Working the section that contains asbestos, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, chloromethyl ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emission can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs in workers who also smoked.
The role of air pollution as a cause of lung cancer is still unclear. Some cases occur because of exposure by radon gas in the household.
Sometimes, lung cancer (particularly adenocarcinoma and alveolar cell carcinoma) occurred in people who already have lung scarring due to other pulmonary diseases, such as tuberculosis and fibrosis.