
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Colon cancer (Colorectal)

Colon cancer (Colorectal) Can Be Prevented

Globally, colorectal cancer is the commonest type of cancer of all cancers. In the United States, this type of cancer ranks third most common cancers in men and women, as well as the number two position as the most common cause of death due to cancer. In Indonesia, this cancer is one type of cancer that is often found and included in the top 10 most common cancers.

Colon cancer (colorectal) cancer is preventable and curable if found at an early stage. More than 90% of patients diagnosed with this disease have a life expectancy of more than five years. Tips submitted berikur is taken from the results of human studies that aim to prevent this type of cancer.

Previously, let's find out the process by which colon cancer was brief. As is generally the process of cancer, initially caused by mutations in the gene (the smallest cell that encodes the protein-making). So, the polyps in the colon wall. These polyps are benign lesions and many people who have polyps in the gut wall and do not become cancerous. It is estimated that approximately 5% which will develop into cancer. So, colon cancer prevention strategies is to avoid trigger factors and knowing the gene mutation, and dispose of polyps as early as possible.

From various studies, is now known that these things can be done to prevent colon cancer, namely:
1. Fibrous foods with sufficient amounts.
Consuming fiber as much as 30 g / day proved to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 40% compared to people who only consume fiber 12 g / day. Adequacy of the amount of fiber can be obtained from consuming 8 servings of vegetables and fruits, as well as from the wholemeal bread.
2. Reduce consumption of red meat
People who consume a lot of red meat (eg, beef, goat, etc) or processed meat more than 160 g / day (two servings or more) will experience an increased risk of colon cancer as much as 35% compared to people who only consume less than one portion per week. Consumption of red meat associated with the formation of N-nitroso compounds that can be sparked in fases incidence of colon cancer. Contrary to the red meat / processed meat, fish consumption may reduce risk. To reduce the consumption of red meat, experts recommend eating meat from poultry (chickens, ducks, etc.) and fish
3. Avoiding obesity
In addition to risk factors for coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes, obesity is also known to be a risk factor for colon cancer, so it is recommended to reduce weight for those who have more weight. Exercising regularly is a way to lose weight is good, because apparently routine olehraga also prove useful to prevent colon cancer.
4. Avoid inhaling cigarette smoke
Smoke cigarettes and other tobacco products are highly proven to increase the risk of various cancers, including colon cancer. People who smoke more have developed into a cancerous polyps in the colon. Results of a study showed an increase of more than 100% risk in smokers than non-smokers. So, avoid risk factors that are most easily avoided.
5. Avoid consumption of beverages berakohol
Besides damaging the liver, berakohol beverage consumption was also associated with increased risk of colon cancer.

Some symptoms of colon cancer include: changes in bowel habits (BAB), mainly watery stools for more than six weeks. Other symptoms are bleeding from the rectum, can be mixed with feces dengen or not. Routine screening examinations to detect early colon cancer is by blood tests in feces and can vaguely followed by a colonoscopy. Consult your doctor for instructions of this screening examination. (Dr.harvian)

Indonesian Cancer Foundation (ICF)

Indonesian Cancer Foundation (ICF) is a nonprofit organization that has networks in all provinces in Indonesia. ICF is to strive for noble purposes of cancer prevention by organizing various activities in the field of promotive, preventive, curative and rehablilitatif. It is based on the care and concern for the increasing number of people with cancer, and high mortality due to medication in patients with advanced stage.

Its mission statement by the Foundation, among others, to alleviate human suffering is minimized burden caused by cancer and to organize these efforts through their own efforts and strength of the community.

Because the cross-sectoral nature of cancer prevention and covers many aspects of life, then the foundation is trying desperately to accommodate researchers, physicians executor, nurses, social workers, educators, management experts, communications experts and volunteers in all sectors to jointly perform a clear program, mission, objectives and work program.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cause of the cancer

Cause of the cancer usually can not be known for certain because the causes of cancer can be a combination of a set of factors, genetic and environmental. However there are several factors that allegedly increase the risk of cancer, as follows:

1.Faktor descent

Genetic factors cause some families are at higher risk for certain cancers when compared with other families. Type of cancer that tends to run in the family is breast cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer and colon cancer. For example, the cancer risk for women increased 1.5 s / d 3 times if his mother or sister had breast cancer.

2. Environmental Factors

- Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of lung cancer - lung, mouth, larynx (vocal cords), and bladder.
- Ultraviolet rays from the sun
- Ionizing radiation (which is carcinogenic) is used in x-ray beam generated from nuclear power plants and atomic bombs that can reach very long distances. For example, people who survived the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II, a high risk of cancer of blood cells, such as leukemia.

3. Food factors that contain chemicals.

Food can also be an important risk factor for other causes of cancer, particularly cancers of the digestive tract. Examples of foods that can cause cancer are:
- Foods that are smoked and pickled (in the form of pickles) increase the risk of gastric cancer
- Drinks that contain alcohol cause a higher risk of esophageal cancer.
- Food coloring
- Heavy metals like mercury are often found in contaminated seafood such as oysters, fish, etc..
- Various food (sweet, white flour) that are processed in excess.

4. Virus

Viruses can and suspected of causing cancer, among others:
- Papilloma virus causes genital warts (genital) is one likely cause of cervical cancer in women.
- Cytomegalovirus causes Kaposi's sarcoma (cancer of blood vessel system which is characterized by red skin lesions)
- Hepatitis B virus can cause liver cancer.
- Virus Epstein - Bar (in Africa) causes Burkitt lymphoma, whereas in China these viruses cause cancer of the nose and throat. This occurs because of environmental and genetic factors.
- Retro Virus in humans such as the HIV virus causes lymphomas and other blood cancers.

5. Infection

- Parasite Schistosoma (bilharzia) could cause bladder cancer due to chronic irritation of the bladder. However, other chronic irritants do not cause cancer.
- Infection by Clonorchis that cause pancreatic and bile duct cancer.
- Helicobacter Pylori is a bacteria that may be the cause of gastric cancer, and presumably this bacterium causes gastric injury and chronic inflammation resulting in increased speed of the cell cycle.

6. Behavioral factors

- The behavior in question is smoking and eating foods that contain lots of fat and meat are preserved also drinkers of alcoholic beverages.
- Behavior that is sexual intercourse diusia early and frequent dressing changes couples.

7. Disruption of hormonal balance

The hormone estrogen stimulates cell growth function which tends to encourage the occurrence of cancer, while progesterone protects the occurrence of excessive cell growth. - There is a tendency that excess hormones estrogen and progesterone deficiency causes an increased risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer, cervical cancer and cancers of the prostate and testicles in men.

8. Psychological factors, emotional

- Stress can cause severe cellular ganggguan balance the body. Continuous state of tension can affect the cells, where cells become hyperactive and changed the nature of a malignant cancer causing.

9. Free radicals

- A free radical is an atom, group of atoms, or molecules that have unpaired electron dilingkaran free exterior. Source - a source of free radicals, namely:
1. Free radicals are formed as a byproduct of metabolism.
2. Free radicals enter the body in the form of chemical toxins from food, drinks, polluted air, and ultraviolet rays from the sun.
3. Excessive free radicals are produced when we eat too much (have an impact on metabolic processes), or when we are in a state of excessive stress, whether physical stress, psychological, or biological.

Source: From various sources

Monday, July 19, 2010


Skin diseases and skin cancer can be diagnosed through a scan on the surface of the skin with a combination of artificial neural network method.
Definition of skin cancers are malignant tumors grow quickly with a picture of abnormal mitoses, which are ekpansif, infiltrating to damage the surrounding tissue and metastasize through the blood vessels and lymph vessels seeds.
In this case of skin cancer is divided into 3 (three) types namely:
1. Malaria.
This disease is synonymous epitelioma basal cells, basalloma, rodens ulcer, ulcer Jacobi, kromecher tumors. Is a common skin cancer. Derived from pluripotensial cells (cells that can turn into other cells). The theory of skin disease and skin cancer can be diagnosed through a scan on the surface of the skin with a combination of artificial neural network method.
Definition of skin cancer is a malignant tumor to grow quickly

picture of abnormal mitoses, which are ekpansif, infiltrating to damage the surrounding tissue and metastasize through the veins and arteries
seed latex.
In this case of skin cancer is divided into 3 (three) types namely:

1. Malaria.
This disease is synonymous epitelioma basal cells, basalloma, rodens ulcer, ulcer Jacobi, kromecher tumors. Is a common skin cancer. Derived from pluripotensial cells (cells which can turn into other cells). Newer theories assume that these cells were skin adnexa section. Abnormalities commonly found in tropical regions. Slow local growth and tissue destructive spread goto another body. More men than women affected by this disease, usually over the age of 40 years. Almost 90% there is division head and neck, mostly on the face around the eyes, cheeks, nose, nasolabial folds and forehead. Although rarely found also in the arms, hands, body, legs, feet and scalp. Basal cell carcinoma can be treated with some medication that is by surgery, radiology and surgery and radiation therapy combination. More detail can be seen in
picture below.

Figure 2.1 Malaria
Malaria is very varied and there are four types of variation Malaria namely:
1. Malaria nodular
1. Shiny lumps
2. Pearly-colored
3. Perkembanganya slow
2. Pigmented Malaria
1. Slightly pigmented
2. Wholly pigmented
3. Bumpy edges
3. Malaria Morphea-like or fibrosing
1. Spotting a case of scar tissue
2. Irregular edge
3. Slow progress
4. Malaria Superficial
1. Reddish patches
2. Slightly pigmented or pigmented entirely
3. Firmly abut the edge

2. Squamous cell carcinoma
Synonyms of this disease is squamous carcinoma, epidermoid carcinoma, prickle cell carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant cell epidermal keratinocytes, and has the ability to spread goto the other body. Is the second most common skin cancer.
Frequency in men more than women, usually at age 50 to 70 years or older affected by this disease. The disease is often found in white people and there on the face and upper limb region, whereas in dark-skinned people are at the lower limb, body and the lower lip and the back of his hand. Squamous cell carcinoma can be treated with some medication that is by surgery (surgical excision, surgical
chemical, surgical frozen), radiotherapy, chemotherapy. More detail can be seen in the following figure.

Figure 2.2 Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma varies greatly and there are two types of variations of squamous cell carcinoma, namely:
1. Squamous cell carcinoma Injury
1. The wound did not heal
2. Growing old
3. Weight loss
4. Irregular edges

2. Squamous cell carcinoma Bump
1. Bumpy lumps
2. Irregular edge
3. Chewy
4. Weight loss

3. Malignant melanoma

Malignant melanoma from melanocytes residing in the epidermis. Is a rare skin cancer but the most ferocious with the highest mortality rates, can damage surrounding tissue. Usually there are a lot of caucasian race and increased every him in Australia, Europe and America. Almost equal frequency in women with men and the commonest found in the age of 30 to 60 years. This disease can spread through the bloodstream to the tools in (the lungs, liver, brain, bones, kidneys and lymph) and can cause death. Malignant melanoma can be cured with several treatment is by surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and imunoterapi for more detail can be seen in the following figure.

Figure 2.3 malignant melanoma
Malignant melanoma is very varied and there are four types of malignant melanoma are:
1. Lentigo maligna Melanoma
1. Flat-black spots
2. Blackish patches spread evenly kepinggir
3. Blackish spots turn into different colors
2. Superficial Spreading Melanoma
1. Black wounds
2. The wound did not heal
3. Pigmented

3. Nodular Melanoma
1. Bumpy edge
2. Black lumps
3. Chewy
4. Weight loss
4. Lentiginous Acral Melanoma
1. Irregular edge
2. Fast growing


Sunday, July 18, 2010


LIVER CANCER is a cancer that is often found in Indonesia. This cancer is associated with Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. This means that in general patients with liver cancer had infected Hepatitis B or C.
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are often experienced by the Indonesian population. Both diseases are transmitted through body fluids. Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C can be transmitted through sexual contact, needles, and blood transfusions.

In general in our country today is safe blood transfusion, blood will be screened for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. Thus the possibility of transmission of hepatitis and HIV through blood transfusions have become small. Symptoms of hepatitis, the virus usually begins with fever, muscle aches, nausea, yellow eyes, and reddish urine, such as tea water. However, not all people experience such symptoms.

Hepatitis C Symptoms are usually milder than with hepatitis A or B. Once infected patients with hepatitis A usually recover completely, no one becomes chronic. Hepatitis B is also most will recover well and only about 50-10 percent of which will become chronic. If hepatitis B become chronic so many people with chronic hepatitis B will become cirrhosis and liver cancer.

In hepatitis C patients who become chronic so much more. Some patients with chronic Hepatitis C will become cirrhosis and liver cancer. Only a small proportion of hepatitis B patients who developed liver cancer. Similarly, in patients with hepatitis C only partially into liver cancer. Usually takes 17 to 20 years who suffer from a chronic hepatitis C to develop into liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Now there is a new drug for hepatitis B called lamivudin. These drugs are eaten in the form of tablets once daily. Meanwhile, if the necessary treatment for Hepatitis C is the drug interferon (injections) and Ribavirin (capsule). However, the use of these medications require doctor's supervision.

Results of blood tests which showed anti-HBs positive means you have Hepatitis B virus infection, but the virus was no longer in your blood (HBsAg negative). It even shows that you now have immunity to Hepatitis B (anti-HBs positive). Because it was during the anti-HBs antibody levels are high, then you do not need to be vaccinated. Hepatitis B immunization can be started as a baby.

Anti-HCV negative meaning that you have never been infected with Hepatitis C. Until now, there is no vaccine for Hepatitis C, so it is advisable to be careful so as not infected with Hepatitis C. So avoid contact with body fluids of others. One effective way to reduce the frequency of liver cancer is hepatitis B immunization

It has been proven in many countries. Apparently, those countries that have Hepatitis B immunization program that both the frequency of liver cancer decreased significantly. Hopefully we also care about the community hepatitis B immunization.