Cancer in adults
In the United States and some other developing countries, cancer is now responsible for about 25% of all deaths. Within a year, about 0.5% of the population diagnosed with cancer.
In adult men in the United States, the most common cancer is prostate cancer (33% of all cancer cases), lung cancer (13%), cancer of the colon and rectum (10%), bladder cancer (7%), and "cutaneous melanoma (5%). As a leading cause of death from lung cancer is the most common (31%), followed by prostate cancer (10%), cancer of the colon and rectum (10%), pancreatic cancer (5%) and leukemia (4%).
For adult women in the United States, breast cancer is the most common cancer (32% of all cancer cases), followed by lung cancer (12%), cancer of the colon and rectum (11%), endometrial cancer (6%, uterus ) and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (4%). Based on the cases of death, lung cancer, the most common (27% of cancer deaths), followed by breast cancer (15%), cancer of the colon and rectum (10%), ovarian cancer (6%), and pancreatic cancer (6% ).
Statistics can be great variation in other countries. In Indonesia, the cancer became the third largest contributor of death after heart disease. According to a Ministry of Health of Indonesia, the leading cause of cancer in these countries is an unhealthy lifestyle, such as lack of exercise, smoking, and eating patterns are not sehat.Menurut Dr. Anton Muhibuddin, researchers at UB, the growth of cancer can be overcome with adequate nutrition so that the supply of information to the brain is not obstructed. In plants, the cancer is a disease caused by a type of fungus / bacteria tertantu. Patterns of plant invasions and kaner cancer in humans is very different.
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