
Sunday, July 18, 2010


LIVER CANCER is a cancer that is often found in Indonesia. This cancer is associated with Hepatitis B or Hepatitis C. This means that in general patients with liver cancer had infected Hepatitis B or C.
Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are often experienced by the Indonesian population. Both diseases are transmitted through body fluids. Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C can be transmitted through sexual contact, needles, and blood transfusions.

In general in our country today is safe blood transfusion, blood will be screened for Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. Thus the possibility of transmission of hepatitis and HIV through blood transfusions have become small. Symptoms of hepatitis, the virus usually begins with fever, muscle aches, nausea, yellow eyes, and reddish urine, such as tea water. However, not all people experience such symptoms.

Hepatitis C Symptoms are usually milder than with hepatitis A or B. Once infected patients with hepatitis A usually recover completely, no one becomes chronic. Hepatitis B is also most will recover well and only about 50-10 percent of which will become chronic. If hepatitis B become chronic so many people with chronic hepatitis B will become cirrhosis and liver cancer.

In hepatitis C patients who become chronic so much more. Some patients with chronic Hepatitis C will become cirrhosis and liver cancer. Only a small proportion of hepatitis B patients who developed liver cancer. Similarly, in patients with hepatitis C only partially into liver cancer. Usually takes 17 to 20 years who suffer from a chronic hepatitis C to develop into liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Now there is a new drug for hepatitis B called lamivudin. These drugs are eaten in the form of tablets once daily. Meanwhile, if the necessary treatment for Hepatitis C is the drug interferon (injections) and Ribavirin (capsule). However, the use of these medications require doctor's supervision.

Results of blood tests which showed anti-HBs positive means you have Hepatitis B virus infection, but the virus was no longer in your blood (HBsAg negative). It even shows that you now have immunity to Hepatitis B (anti-HBs positive). Because it was during the anti-HBs antibody levels are high, then you do not need to be vaccinated. Hepatitis B immunization can be started as a baby.

Anti-HCV negative meaning that you have never been infected with Hepatitis C. Until now, there is no vaccine for Hepatitis C, so it is advisable to be careful so as not infected with Hepatitis C. So avoid contact with body fluids of others. One effective way to reduce the frequency of liver cancer is hepatitis B immunization

It has been proven in many countries. Apparently, those countries that have Hepatitis B immunization program that both the frequency of liver cancer decreased significantly. Hopefully we also care about the community hepatitis B immunization.

1 comment:

  1. Great relation i was not aware about this relation between liver cancer with Hepatitis B or C. Thanks a lot for this detail information. keep working and posting such kind of data...

    Smith Alan
