contents of protein, calcium, iron, carotene, and askorbin on noni leaf efficacious as a tonic, smooth the skin, increase bone strength and wash the blood, so the body feels fit. compounds at the noni efficacious sorajindiol urine so it can launch mennurunkan blood pressure by means of:
cope with high blood pressure:
how to manufacture:
-Take 1 piece of noni that has been cooked, wash clean.
-Then shredded, screened with a clean cloth.
-Squeeze, take water (the juice results of approximately 100 cc).
how to use:
-Drink every morning after waking up before eating anything.
Do in a row for 1 week, then stop it first. because if done continuously, worried about the patient's blood pressure drops too low and would be dangerous if turned into a low blood pressure. good luck.
smooth the skin:
how to manufacture:
-Take 1 piece of kudu that had been cooked, wash thoroughly, then split into 2 parts.
And rub-on foot-rubbing a dry and scaly, or in the crevices of a broken finger until it is completely flat, leave for more than 15 minutes.
-Then wash the fruit that has been smeared menkudu earlier with warm water until clean.
cope with a cough illness
how to manufacture:
-Take 1 piece of kudu that had been cooked and then rinse until clean really kemudiah sliced thinly.
how to use:
-Eat with salt, then within not too long cough particularly intense itching in the throat will soon be reduced and will be lost.
Fighting Cancer and Tumor
An interesting papers that were presented at the annual meeting of the American Association fin. Cancer Research 83rd in San Diego, California, in 1992, is "Anti-tumor activity of Morinda citrifolia on Lewis Lung Carcinoma in the mouse injected." In this study, rats were given an injection of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (a type of cancer). All mice that did not receive treatment with Mengkudu die within 9-12 days due to cancer. While the mice that received treatment with Mengkudu able to survive 105 percent to 123 percent longer (40 percent of the rats live up to 50 days or more).
This study is repeated several times and each time Mengkudu found to significantly extend the age-old rats exposed to cancer compared with rats not treated with Noni. In summary, the results of this study revealed that Noni can inhibit tumor growth.
There are some cases of cancer patients who consumed Noni fruit juice and be cured, among other cases, patients Dr. Harrison (DC General Hospital), who suffered from liver cancer and stomach pemhengkakan caused by excess fluid. During the 7 days consuming Noni juice, swelling in the stomach is reduced significantly. Testing haru stomach fluids showed that cancer cells have disappeared.
According to Drs. Judah Folkman of Harvard University, Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in menghamhat blood flow to the tumor cells. The mechanism is similar to the oil squalen (from shark liver) that control brain tumor growth and prolong experimental mice by destroying the means of circulation of the blood supply to tumor cells.
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