
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Breathing Exercise Stress Release

EXERCISE breathing will not only reduce tension, but also can increase energy, improve posture, clean the lungs, and increase the capacity of the digestive system. No need to place or specific time to do this such as meditation or yoga classes. Breathing exercises can be done anytime, anywhere and by anyone.

Here are four breathing exercises that should be applied to defend womankind a healthy mind and body.

1. Sitting or standing in a position comfortable as possible. Close your eyes. Inhale deeply through your nose and hold for five seconds. Then, exhale slowly from the mouth for seven seconds. Repeat up to five times.

2. Sitting in an upright position. Imagine your breasts become deflated balloon and then take a deep breath through your nose as if you were inflating the balloon. And when you exhale do not let your shoulders fall, remain upright. While doing this exercise keep the rhythm of breath, not to be forced so that the body becomes relaxed, not even more tense.

3. Shut up and take a deep breath through your nose and hold up to five seconds then remove it by mouth, but he issued a whirring sound like a six-count. Do it three times.

4. Lean back, close your eyes, and place hands with palms facing the lower abdomen. Take a breath and fill your stomach and chest with air. Hold. Then, release the air slowly while relaxing the rib cage and abdomen. Also Relax your face and your mind while doing this exercise for 3-5 minutes.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


What is Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness or nausea and vomiting usually occur during the initial three months of pregnancy (first trimester). Every pregnant woman has a high degree of nausea will be different, there are not too feel anything, but there is also a feeling of nausea and even some who felt very nauseous and vomiting all the time so it takes a medication (hyperemesis gravidarum).

The causes of morning sickness

Morning sickness usualy caused by combination of issues related to the chemical changes your body is going through. Those changes include rapidly increasing estrogen and progesterone levels, an enhanced sense of smell and excess stomach acids. It has also been suggested that stress and fatigue that commonly accompany pregnancy also play a role. It also can be caused by the dominant hormone during pregnancy, progesterone. Progesterone has a “softening” effect on the muscles in the body. It is thought it helps prevent preterm labor by effecting the uterine muscles. It also effects other muscles, such as the stomach and intestines. The progesterone relaxes the workings of the whole digestive track which makes the elimination of bodily wastes slower which can lead to a slow emptying of the stomach which leads to excess stomach acids.
Another theory, and more widely accepted, is that morning sickness is caused by the buildup of hCG (human chorionic gonadotopin) in your system. hCG is produced after implantation takes place and continues to increase until about the 12th week of your pregnancy, at which point the levels of hCG starts to decrease. If you are lucky, this is when your morning sickness symptoms will start to decrease as well.

Ginger a Herbal For Morning Sickness Relief

Ginger (Zingiber officinale ) is also efficacious as an Antiemetic and can be used by pregnant women to reduce morning sickness. Research indicates that ginger is very effective to reduce metoklopamid which is a compound causes nausea and vomiting. According to Germany the Federal Health Agency, ginger effective for treating indigestion and symptoms of motion sickness prevention. This herb is probably the most popular remedy for morning sickness. Ginger has a long historical use as a natural treatment for nausea and vomiting. In fact, it is a staple in both Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. Present day clinical trials have confirmed that it does soothe the digestive system and decrease in the severity of nausea. Ginger can be taken in a powdered form or steeped in hot water to make a tea. Although classified by the Food and Drug Administration as being generally safe, there have been some concerns regarding its prolonged use. However few clinical studies have found evidence of any adverse effects.
According to a review published by the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, ginger may help pregnant women experiencing morning sickness without causing side effects that harm the fetus in the womb. Of the six studies that tested the effects of ginger in reducing nausea and vomiting in pregnant women, found that ginger works better than a placebo or inactive drug, such as vitamin B6, which during the show its function in reducing nausea and vomiting in some pregnant women. Pregnant women who consume ginger in pregnancy is not impaired, as reported by researchers in the journal.
According to Dr. Francesca Borelli of the University of Naples Frederico in Italy, “Ginger can be an effective therapy to relieve nausea and vomiting in pregnancy,” However, they cautioned that this data is still preliminary, and still more research is needed to confirm that ginger was completely safe for pregnant women.
Dr. Borelli and friends to review some of the medical literature to learn about the ginger, and found six trials that tested ginger in 675 women who experienced nausea during pregnancy. In four studies involving 246 women, ginger always outperform a placebo in dealing with nausea and untah, even in women who experience heavy morning sickness called hyperemesis gravidarum.
In the current study, participants were randomly assigned to a capsule containing 350 mg of Ahe, or 25 mg of vitamin B6 three times a day for three weeks. In the study found that ginger was as effective as vitamin B6 in overcoming the nausea and vomiting. Symptoms of morning sickness can be overcome in more than half the number of women in each group. Some studies reported side effects such as headache, diarrhea, and drowsiness. However, not terpdapat differences regarding pregnancy outcomes between women who consumed a placebo, vitamin B6 or ginger.