
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera (Aloe vera L.)
properties:Aloe vera leaves that are bitter, cooling was efficacious for treating diabetes. Besides containing a bberkhasiat atrakuinon saponim and kill germs, aloe vera stimulate new cell growth on the skin. Lignin content in crocodile able to penetrate and soak into the skin so that the gel will hold the fluid loss from the skin surface, so kulitpun not dry quickly. Aloe vera is also efficacious normalize blood pressure for cleaning debris and blockages in blood vessels.Besides, there is another function of tanamah aloe vera, this plant has the efficacy to cope with the disease coughs pederita somewhat difficult to be cured by means of:how to use:-Take a leaf aloe vera, wash it clean., Then peel the outside, it took approximately 20 grams of meat is sliced thinly.-Put on a clean glass, mix with one tablespoon of pure honey mix to use:This herb-eat 2 times a day.Do a row during the week.
                        Another benefit
Aloe Vera and Cancer Because the act triggering the immune system in response to antigens (foreign elements in the body), aloe vera, the most potential for the treatment of cancer patients. Although no party that ensures the aloe vera is a cure for cancer, from a number of studies in the last 30 years show aloe vera has anti-cancer effects are amazing. Aloe vera accelerate the immune response against cancer cells, helps the growth of new cells are healthy, and narrow the space for the causes of cancer so the body is able to revitalize itself smelawan cancer cells. If done by radiation therapy or chemotherapy to cancer patients, aloe vera will help minimize damage to the body caused by both therapies. Radiation and chemotherapy itself cause damage to healthy cells, particularly immune cells, which ironically is needed in the healing process.

Morinda citrifolia

Morinda citrifolia
contents of protein, calcium, iron, carotene, and askorbin on noni leaf efficacious as a tonic, smooth the skin, increase bone strength and wash the blood, so the body feels fit. compounds at the noni efficacious sorajindiol urine so it can launch mennurunkan blood pressure by means of:
cope with high blood pressure:
how to manufacture:
-Take 1 piece of noni that has been cooked, wash clean.
-Then shredded, screened with a clean cloth.
-Squeeze, take water (the juice results of approximately 100 cc).
how to use:
-Drink every morning after waking up before eating anything.
Do in a row for 1 week, then stop it first. because if done continuously, worried about the patient's blood pressure drops too low and would be dangerous if turned into a low blood pressure. good luck.
smooth the skin:
how to manufacture:
-Take 1 piece of kudu that had been cooked, wash thoroughly, then split into 2 parts.
And rub-on foot-rubbing a dry and scaly, or in the crevices of a broken finger until it is completely flat, leave for more than 15 minutes.
-Then wash the fruit that has been smeared menkudu earlier with warm water until clean.

cope with a cough illness
how to manufacture:
-Take 1 piece of kudu that had been cooked and then rinse until clean really kemudiah sliced thinly.
how to use:
-Eat with salt, then within not too long cough particularly intense itching in the throat will soon be reduced and will be lost.

Fighting Cancer and Tumor

An interesting papers that were presented at the annual meeting of the American Association fin. Cancer Research 83rd in San Diego, California, in 1992, is "Anti-tumor activity of Morinda citrifolia on Lewis Lung Carcinoma in the mouse injected." In this study, rats were given an injection of Lewis Lung Carcinoma (a type of cancer). All mice that did not receive treatment with Mengkudu die within 9-12 days due to cancer. While the mice that received treatment with Mengkudu able to survive 105 percent to 123 percent longer (40 percent of the rats live up to 50 days or more).

This study is repeated several times and each time Mengkudu found to significantly extend the age-old rats exposed to cancer compared with rats not treated with Noni. In summary, the results of this study revealed that Noni can inhibit tumor growth.

There are some cases of cancer patients who consumed Noni fruit juice and be cured, among other cases, patients Dr. Harrison (DC General Hospital), who suffered from liver cancer and stomach pemhengkakan caused by excess fluid. During the 7 days consuming Noni juice, swelling in the stomach is reduced significantly. Testing haru stomach fluids showed that cancer cells have disappeared.

According to Drs. Judah Folkman of Harvard University, Noni works synergistically with other micronutrients in menghamhat blood flow to the tumor cells. The mechanism is similar to the oil squalen (from shark liver) that control brain tumor growth and prolong experimental mice by destroying the means of circulation of the blood supply to tumor cells.

Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea
green tea leaves contain a substance teina (a type of caffeine), tannins, and flavonoids. teina content nutritious tea refresh the body, blood circulation, and can burn fat up to reducing levels of koleserol.
Besides being available as a fresh beverage, tea leaves actually have a property to overcome the acne on the face, in particular by:
Making ways:
-Provide a small pack of tea (can be purchased at the store).
-And then mixed with hot water (boiling) in a medium bowl.

How to use:
-Cover your head with a cloth / towel.
Then steam-filled pimple on your face / acne on steeping tea steam about 15 minutes earlier.
-Do every day on a regular basis, God willing, in a short time acne will disappear.

Another benefit of green tea are:
Healthy compounds in green tea are catechins, particularly epigallocatechin gallate named or abbreviated EGCG. Catechin is classified in a group of anti-oxidants that naturally exist also in vegetables and fruit. Also in green tea and wine.
Strength Anti-Oxidant in EGCG is really dahsat, can be four to five times higher than vitamin C and E. No wonder the green potent to inhibit cancer cell growth. Anti-oxidants in green tea is able to kill cancer cells without harming surrounding healthy tissue. This is similar to the work of chemotherapy, but without side effects.
How much we can drink this green tea? According to Prof. Dr. Khomsan Ali, professor of food and nutrition from the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), "Everything is excessive is not good, so if less," He said.
In order for the benefits to more leverage, should the green is not brewed with boiling water too. The hot water used to brew green tea should range between 80-85 ° C. Better yet, if the pot for a cup of green tea is heated before use to keep warm for a drink.

*Preventing cancer*
Preventing the risk of cancer. Polyphenols contained in green tea is the most potent antioxidants. Where does he prevent the spread and growth of cancer cells in the blood. Several studies have found that people who drink green tea regularly can reduce the risk of breast cancer, stomach, colon, and prostate cancer.
  congratulations to try.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Treatments For Cancer

Nutritional And Herbal Therapy For Cancer Bookmark and Share
Until this moment a threat of cancer, while the specific drugs to stop cancer cell growth has not been found. After all, prevention efforts continue to be tried with radiation therapy and sitostatica.

However, some patients prefer alternative therapies. In order to measure the benefits and risks of alternative therapies, much needed understanding of the workings of alternative therapies, including the use of dietary supplements (vitamins, minerals and antioxidant compounds) and herbal preparations that can work against cancer.

Various types of food was shown to contain anticancer substances. Even broccoli stir-fry mix, mustard greens, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, fish and meat is very rich with antioxidants element.

Various compounds such as allyl sulfides in garlic, curcumin in turmeric, an isoflavone in soy, likofen in tomatoes, polyphenols in green tea, revesratrol in the skin of red grapes, and broccoli is a food sulforafan in cancer prevention. Some vitamins and minerals is also an antioxidant that is often promoted for cancer prevention: beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, and selenium.

For herbal therapy, there are many plants that based on empirical experience, it can fight cancer. Among these parasites (Dendrophtoe petandra), vinca (Catharanthus roseus), meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L), white turmeric (Kaempferia rotunda L), strong (Pettiveria alliacea) and maitake mushrooms (Grifola frondosa).

Cancer appears when normal cell DNA damage, causing genetic mutations. If this is not immediately corrected, the multiplication of cells that DNA damage is a potential to produce cancer cells. Yet the multiplication of cells intended for the recovery of cells that are worn or damaged.

In terms of nutrition, two elements that can damage the DNA of normal cells are free radicals and carcinogens. Free radicals can be generated through metabolism or from the environment around us (plants and vehicle exhaust, cigarette smoke, chemicals such as insecticides, chemicals or additives in food). Luckily, free radicals can be bound and neutralized by several compounds, vitamins and minerals that are antioxidants.

The antioxidant compounds that neutralize free radicals, polyphenols (green tea), likofen (tomatoes), beta-carotene (carrots), and several other compounds in vegetables or fruit.

Especially on likofen in tomatoes, this compound strongly bound by fiber fruit. To free him, tomatoes must be cooked first with a little oil, given the nature likofen which easily soluble in oil.

Harvard University study of 48,000 people in 1995 showed that people who eat 10 times the dishes that contain tomatoes per week would decrease the risk of prostate cancer by almost half. Vitamin C, E, and selenium are widely available in fruits, vegetables, sprouts, and grains also is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals.

The second element is carcinogenic substances in food. This substance is actually derived from prokarsinogen that by phase I enzymes in the liver is converted into carcinogens. Meanwhile, phase II enzymes will remove product residue phase I enzymes, which can inhibit cancer cell formation. If the enzyme phase I enzymes that could be called evil, then the phase II enzymes is an enzyme that good.

Phase I enzyme was found to be inhibited by compounds in garlic allyl sulfides so that changes can be reduced prokarsinogen be carcinogens. One example is the famous carcinogen nitrosamine compounds produced by combustion of meat / fish (eg charred skewers) and used cooking oil that has been used many times. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that inhibits the formation of nitrosamines in the digestive tract.

While the production of phase II enzymes can be increased by sulforafan which are often found in broccoli, cauliflower, and mustard greens. Therefore, the menu consists of vegetables broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, and fish sauteed a little oil and garlic is one of the options menu that is rich in antioxidants element.
Pressing Cancer Cell Growth

If DNA damage in normal cells fails again prevented by the compounds or vitamins / minerals that are antioxidants, or if already formed cancer cells, the actions that we can do is to suppress the growth of cancer cells. Rapid growth of cancer cells after the cells are getting omega-6 fatty acids. To reduce the influence of these fatty acids as well as away from the cancer cells, omega-3 fatty acids are widely available in the cold sea fish have an important role. Omega-3 fatty acids are also known as EPA (eicosapentanoic acid) or gamma-lenolenat, is one of the essential fats.

Some types of cancer cells also can grow rapidly when triggered by the human hormone estrogen, such as in breast cancer cells. In this case, which is a phytoestrogen isoflavones in soybeans was competitive with human estrogen. So that consumption of soy isoflavones will help inhibit cancer growth induced by estrogen humans. From this we can understand the role of tempeh, tofu and soy milk for food prevention of cancer growth.

To inhibit metastasis of cancer cells, we need to know how these cells to spread. There are two ways air-metastasis of cancer cells: through angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) and the destruction of collagen which is the framework of normal cells. Thus, metastases can be inhibited if angiogenesis can be prevented, while the damaged collagen can be repaired by the body itself to take advantage of certain foods.

For angiogenesis, cancer cells release growth factors. Production of growth factors was found to be inhibited by the cox-2 inhibitor preparations that includes resveratrol in red grape skins, curcumin in turmeric and genestein in soybean.

Overhaul of collagen by cancer cells occurs with the aid of collagenase enzymes produced their own cancer cells.

Preparations nutrients that can inhibit the process of this reshuffle is vitamin C and shark cartilage. In addition to stimulating the formation of interferon join the fight against cancer cells, vitamin C was able to repair damage to collagen by creating new collagen by proline hydroxylation. Perhaps this is what underlies the role of controversial statements from a nobel prize winner in chemistry and peace, Linus Carl Pauling, regarding nutrition therapy of cancer with vitamin C megadose.

Forms of other nutrients that may help repair cartilage collagen was sharks that much touted as one of the cancer drug. Indeed, shark cartilage is a source of collagen that can provide natural materials for the body's cells to synthetic collagen.
Herbal Therapy

Flavonoid quercetin in the parasite is expected to work as an inhibitor of cancer cell DNA isomerase enzyme (involved in the process of multiplication and increased malignancy of cancer). Vinca compounds are known also to have two classes of potent alkaloid Vinka inhibit the multiplication and spread of cancer cells. Both compounds are vincristine and vinblastine.

In addition, vinca alkaloids contain catharanthin, which is similar to compounds in the plasma of cancer cells. Absorption of these compounds into cancer cells is expected to urge and dissolve the cancer cell nucleus.

Plants meniran and white turmeric also has anticancer properties through its immunomodulatory work. The second extract of this plant in experimental mice turned out to multiply the number of lymphocytes, increase the toxicity of cancer killer cells (natural killer) and specific antibody synthesis. The properties above will strengthen the body's defense mechanism against viruses and cancer cells.

Leaf is also thought to have powerful healing properties because of suspected cancer-like compounds derived from interferon which is a natural antibodies against viruses and cancer cells. How to combat cancer by destroying cancer-causing virus that can damage the DNA of normal cells into cancer cells. Tough leaves are said to more efficacious for this type of prostate cancer, rectum, and respiratory tract.

Maitake mushrooms as a cancer drug had been studied by a combination of mushroom extract with preparations sitostatica to a number of people with cancer. According to Drs. Iwan T. Budiarso, a researcher at the Research and Health Department, maitake not only alleviate the symptoms of breast cancer, lung and liver, but also reduce side effects caused by sitostatica. Compounds 1-6 plosakarida B glukans believed to play a role in maitake inhibits the growth and spread of cancer cells by increasing the effectiveness of all cells in the body's defense system in addition to increasing sensitivity of cancer cells against sitostatica and radiation.
dr. Andry Hartono SpGK, doctors nutritionists Panti Rapih, Yogyakarta


Fruit of this one was no stranger to us. avocado is a fruit that easily we get in supermarkets or traditional markets. the meat is often in the consumption or use, avocado flesh is often processed into juice or drink can be eaten even cosmetic ingredients for facial skin, the way to smooth the avocado flesh and then smeared on the skin of the face, wait a while and then rinse with warm water. Other materials that can be used is the skin of a young avocado as a traditional medicine for drug usually kidney stones, rheumatism.