
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

And yet Damaged Expired drugs? It causes

Jakarta , Some people often have a habit of saving drugs . It was indeed legitimate done especially if the drug has not expired . But make no mistake , you know there is also medication that is outdated and unfit for use even if the expiration date has not been entered .
According to the Deputy for Therapeutic Products and Drug Supervision Agency for Food and Drug ( FDA ) , Dra . A Retno Tyas Utami , Apt , M.Epid , the drug has not expired but has been damaged can be caused by improper storage means .
" Storage is not according to the rules , but not at room temperature in the hot temperatures in the sun directly . Taxable rain could also cause more rapid deterioration. Physique also has changed can be seen from the example that had the color white to yellow , " Retno said in a conversation with detikHealth and written on Wednesday ( 11/06/2013 ) .
Retno statement echoed Chairman of Indonesian Pharmacist Association ( IAI ) , Drs M. Dani Pratomo , MM , Apt . He said the drug stability was influenced by storage. Although the stated expiration date is still two years away , but the drugs could have been damaged .
" For example, cough medicines are consumed , then allowed to continue to change the color and the smell is an indication that the drug is broken. Therefore for storage , consider the instructions " Dani said .
Preferably , the drug store at room temperature , not in a place exposed to direct sunlight . It can lower drug content . As a result , the drug can not work in accordance with the desired properties .
In addition because of the way storage is not as directed , the drug was also damaged when it enters stated expiration date . Therefore , according to Retno important for consumers to regularly check the expiry date of medicines stored .
" If it has expired drugs must be broken then it should be thrown away . Having been a decline in drug content so that the dose is not accurate anymore and the effect of treatment was not optimal , it can menimbukkan other effects such as nausea and irritation of the form of reduced drug metabolism reaction was , " said Retno .
This is justified by the Chairman of Indonesian Anti- Counterfeiting Society ( MIAP ) , Widyaretna Buenastuti . "If the drug is definitely damaged properties are not the same and can be toxic . While it is definitely an expired drug efficacy , safety , and quality is down . Consequently why drugs should be no expiration date , " said Widya .